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  8. 所有參加表格皆屬娛樂生活雜誌所有,不會退回給參加者。除獲選中的參加者,PLEM 不會與其他參加者聯絡。
  9. 獲選中的參加者在抽獎後兩星期內獲得通知領獎。
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  13. 所有參加者之個人資料將會嚴加保密,並只會用於此項遊戲。所有參加者之個人資料將會在遊戲後三個月內被銷毀。
  14. 娛樂生活雜誌、獎品贊助商及其代理人對獎品或會引致之意外、受傷、損失或不幸事故,皆毋須負上任何責任。
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  18. 個別有獎遊戲備有獨立的遊戲規則及聲明,應以該套遊戲規則為準。
  19. 比賽規則及聲明以英文版本為準。

General Contest Rules and Regulations

  1. The following rules and regulations apply to contests organized by Popular Lifestyle & Entertainment Magazine (PLEM).
  2. The contest is subject to all Federal, Provincial and Municipal laws and regulations.
  3. Contest is open to individuals reside in Canada (except Quebec). The contestant must not be an employee or immediate family of an employee of Fairchild Group.
  4. No purchase necessary to enter the contest.
  5. The chances of winning are dependent upon the total number of eligible entries received.
  6. Participation in the contests constitutes entrant's full and unconditional agreement to and acceptance of these Official Rules and the decisions of Popular Lifestyle & Entertainment Magazine (PLEM), which are final and binding. Winning a prize is contingent upon fulfilling all requirements set forth herein.
  7. If a selected entrant is unwilling to comply with the contest rules, that entrant will be disqualified and another entry will be drawn from the remaining eligible entries received.
  8. All entries become the property of Popular Lifestyle & Entertainment Magazine (PLEM) and none will be returned. No communication with entrants will be entered into except with the selected entrants.
  9. Selected entrants will be contacted within two weeks of the draw date regarding claiming prizes.
  10. Prizes must be accepted as offered and no substitutions are allowed. Prizes are not transferable and are not cash equivalent.
  11. Popular Lifestyle & Entertainment Magazine (PLEM) reserves the right to make substitutions in the event of non-availability of any prize.
  12. Popular Lifestyle & Entertainment Magazine (PLEM), sponsors and their agents shall have the right to publish or broadcast the winners' pictures, names, addresses, voices, statements without further compensation other than the prize offered.
  13. All personal information submitted with the entries will be kept in strictest confidence and used solely for the purpose of this contest. These entries will be discarded within three months after the prize presentation of the contest.
  14. Popular Lifestyle & Entertainment Magazine (PLEM), sponsors and their agents shall not be responsible for any damages, injuries, accident, loss or misfortune relating to the prize.
  15. All decisions of Popular Lifestyle & Entertainment Magazine (PLEM), or of the judges appointed by Popular Lifestyle & Entertainment Magazine (PLEM), with respect to all aspects of the contest are final.
  16. Selected entrants are responsible for all costs of verification and redemption or travel to redeem any prize, and bear in full any liability which might arise from redeeming or seeking to redeem said prize.
  17. Popular Lifestyle & Entertainment Magazine (PLEM) reserves the right to cancel this promotion, event or contest at any time for any reason whatsoever.
  18. Should there be a specific set of rules and regulations designed for a specific contest, that set of rules and regulations should prevail.
  19. Should there be any discrepancies between the English and Chinese version, the English version should prevail.